6 products were found matching your search for Rettet Die Wale in 2 shops:
Wales - 100 Places to See Before You Die
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.83 $This is a volume to treasure which combines the words and pictures from two leading authorities in their fields: the historian John Davies shares his remarkable depth of knowledge of the history of Wales; the photographer Marian Delyth traveled the length of the country in all weathers to create the magical atmosphere of the hundred places observed. ""Wales: the 100 places to see before you die"" is a tome that will enthrall you and will be a wonderful challenge to those who enjoy wandering around Wales and delving into its astonishingly rich historical heritage.
The Lives and Times of Forty Martyrs of England and Wales 1535-1680
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.25 $In an age of faithlessness, spin and cynicism, how many of us would be prepared to stand on a ladder, a rope around our neck, facing a gruesome death for no apparent crime, and choose not to recant and live but to die for our beliefs? How many of us, like Thomas Garnet, would say, I give my body to Caesar [James I] and my soul to God? This compelling and finely researched compilation of the lives and state murders of Catholics from all walks of life in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries demands our attention as a reinforcement of Christian commitment and an antidote to indifference. Malcolm Pullan's stated aim is to reach a general readership, and his text is full of historical background material and fascinating detail. He firmly believes that we should not consign England's Catholic martyrs to some obscure corner of our consciousness. Their Faith lives still; they were true to it till death. Surely they did not die in vain.
The Lives and Times of Forty Martyrs of England and Wales 1535-1680
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.17 $In an age of faithlessness, spin and cynicism, how many of us would be prepared to stand on a ladder, a rope around our neck, facing a gruesome death for no apparent crime, and choose not to recant and live but to die for our beliefs? How many of us, like Thomas Garnet, would say, I give my body to Caesar [James I] and my soul to God? This compelling and finely researched compilation of the lives and state murders of Catholics from all walks of life in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries demands our attention as a reinforcement of Christian commitment and an antidote to indifference. Malcolm Pullan's stated aim is to reach a general readership, and his text is full of historical background material and fascinating detail. He firmly believes that we should not consign England's Catholic martyrs to some obscure corner of our consciousness. Their Faith lives still; they were true to it till death. Surely they did not die in vain.
Thomas und seine Freunde: Gutenachtgeschichten aus aller Welt
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 53.57 $48 S. Gebrauchtes Exemplar in sehr gutem Zustand. KEINE Eintragungen/Markierungen. Tschu-tschuuu bitte einsteigen! Begleite Thomas, die kleine Lokomotive, auf seiner Reise in ferne Länder und erlebe mit ihm drei spannende Abenteuer. Sei dabei, wenn Thomas in Australien die Koalas vor einem Buschfeuer rettet, in Indien den Tigern hilft und schließlich die Bekanntschaft mit einem äußerst nützlichen Elefanten macht. Und am Ende, wenn alle Abenteuer überstanden sind, fallen auch Thomas und allen sonst nimmermüden Eisenbahnfreunden die Augen zu. Drei traumhafte Gutenachtgeschichten für Eisenbahnfans! - Wir versenden aus unserem deutschen Lager heraus in plastikfreien oder wiederverwendeten Polstertaschen. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 376 Gebundene Ausgabe, Maße: 21.6 cm x 1.1 cm x 29.4 cm
Scarlet (The King Raven Trilogy, Book 2)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 72.05 $With the Normans threatening to overrun Wales, forester Will Scarlet is being sentenced to die for a crime he didn't commit unless he betrays King Raven and his followers, and Bran ap Brychan makes a secret voyage to France to uncover a plot against the king.
Products of Disgust
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 73.99 $Cerebral Fix - English thrash/death metal band formed in Birmingham in 1986, the band signed a deal with Vinyl Solution. The band entered the Loco Studio in South Wales to record their first album "Life Sucks... And Then You Die!" released in 1988. To announce a new record deal, Roadrunner Records set up a supporting slot for the band with Sepultura at The Marquee Club in London. In 1990, the second album "Tower of Spite" was released. Celebral Fix's third album "Bastards" was released in 1991 b
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